
Friday May 18, 2018
Youth in focus: The new UNDP HDR. (URDU)
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
The much-awaited UNDP Human Development Report focused on youth has been successfully launched and welcomed in Pakistan. Led by Adil Najam and Faisal Bari, it is probably one of the largest research projects in Pakistan’s history. A large team (40 members) worked on it for 4 years to produce a detailed report listening to the youth on Pakistan.
Those of you who have followed this podcast will have heard of the youth bulge and its impact on many factors in the economy. Here listen to Adil’s report on the Youth bulge in Pakistan. Adil Najam (who appears for the third time on Soch Bichar) very eloquently gives you the gist of this very important work.
Listen to it and develop further research on this important area
Related material if interested is
- Access report here http://nhdr.undp.org.pk
- PIDE demographic dividend http://pide.org.pk/pdf/Working%20Paper/Demographic%20Dividend%20Final.pdf
- Framework of Economic Growth was a youth focused policy https://www.theigc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Planning-Commission-2011-Final-Report.pdf
- Looking back explains youth focused policy and its underpinning’s in detail http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Monday May 14, 2018
How the Raj Matters? (english)
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
lhan Niaz a young historian (Associate Professor at QAU and Author of 4 books) has just completed a well-researched manuscript on the state in the days of the Raj. He asks several pertinent questions.
- Was the Raj only an extension of the British government?
- Did it adapt to local history and conditions?
- How did it influence subsequent history?
I found this to be fascinating conversation.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Friday May 11, 2018
Social Science research in Pakistan (ENGLISH)
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Speaking to Ilhan Niaz a young historian (Associate Professor at QAU and Author of 4 books) on the research culture in Pakistan, how broken it is and how it can be fixed.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Aid and Public Policy (English)
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
A conversation with Raza Rumi on a course on 'Public Policy and Aid' that he is teaching at Cornell Institutie of Public Adminsitraiton.
Raza is well known Pakistani scholar that we have met in an earlier podcast.
Those interested in Public Policy will find very useful ideas for thought and research here.

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Regional Connectivity (ENGLISH)
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Pakistan since its inception has been dependent on aid and aid-financed policy advisers. Lacking indigenous thinking, policy has always felt insecure and looked to easy solutions based on greater dependency on external agents.
Following such advice policymakers have felt inadequate to tackle domestic policy issues. Donors in recent years have pushed the agenda of regional integration as vital to economic development.
The initiation of CPEC is vital to the opening out of Pakistan to Central Asia and eventually to Pakistan playing a vital role in Asian trade and connectivity. CPEC is also playing a vital role in providing much needed energy and road infrastructure.
We discuss regional connectivity with Haroon Sharif who has managed regional policy issues as a senior adviser in the World Bank and DFID. He has also had experience in several Pakistani policy positions and is now serving as an advisor to the National Defense University.
While all economists agree on opening out the economy and the need to develop trade in your neighborhood and beyond, it is not quite clear whether an uncompetitive economy beset with poor governance and high cost of doing business will be able to take advantage only of regional policies.
Haroon sheds light on issues related to regional connectivity and how we can benefit from CPEC.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Thoughts on Development (English)
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Khalil Hamdani has had extensive experience in development policy having served in PIDE, and several UN agencies for 30+ years. In particular he led the effort to develop FDI policies in several developing countries.
Here we discuss his ideas on development, FDI, role of economists and policies for development and their limits.
Several important ideas are discussed including approaches to research and thought.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
The roots of political disorder in Pakistan (URDU)
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Zaigham Khan is a well-known Pakistani anthropologist who has been analyzing recent events very provocatively in several columns in newspapers.
In this episode, he takes a ‘deep dive’ into Pakistan’s continuing struggle to find stable system of governance. While the current political impasse in which the judiciary, politicians and the establishment are all seeking supremacy is under considerable discussion on a daily basis in the media, there is little understanding of the deeper causes of the country’s political impasse.
Here we examine this continuing crisis from several points of view—historically, sociologically, economically and of politically.
The discussion is very interesting and informative especially who want to move beyond the mundane debate of the media pundits and the vacuous politicians.
If you want to learn and especially if you want to conduct some research in this area, you must listen to this podcast.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Monday Mar 05, 2018
The New Wealth of Nations (ENGLISH)
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
What is the wealth of nations? How can we measure it? What is the impact of education on wealth? Will the spread of education increase or decrease inequality of incomes?
These profound questions affect all peoples and countries and are frequently discussed at many levels by the media, political leaderships, writers, thinkers and of course economists.
Adam Smith initiated the subject of economics with his book An Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations. Since then much serious economic research has focused on how people and nations can achieve wealth and welfare equitably.
Surjit Bhalla is one of the finest economists from India who has frequently contributed to economic research and debate has now put out a new book, The New Wealth of nations.
Surjit has contributed in a very significant manner to the literature in economics. He he has also written 2 books on cricket and also has been one of the leading forecasters and analysts of Indian elections.
Surjit’s new book is provocative and creative, shedding light on issues of country and global prosperity and equity. As always, he does very fine quantitative work providing solid evidence for his arguments.
Listen to this very interesting podcast. It will certainly provoke you into thinking and investigating his ideas further.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Monday Feb 26, 2018
"Let the system Run" or "do we need reform" (URDU)
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
It is frequently argued that no matter how bad our democracy is all we need is to let the system run and it will automatically produce the finest democracy ever. We can go through many dynasties and we will achieve democracy.
Here Saeed Afridi a former oil and gas professional now a PhD candidate in politics argues to the contrary.
- We discuss why research and debate on possible reform is so lacking in Pakistan.
- We also take up on how change is always sled by ideas and a debate among thinkers on change ideas.
- We discuss how change happens and why it is important to constantly think change.
- We discuss how merely running a faulty car with punctured tires will not fix itself without some tinkering and fixing.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Monday Feb 26, 2018
To get democracy, fix the constitution (URDU)
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
In collaboration with "Hafte Ki Seedhi Baat," "Soch Bichar" addresses the constitutional issue again today.
Today the Supreme Court has ruled to disqualify PM Nawaz Sharif.
This is not a day to celebrate but a day to reflect.
- We must reflect on why we not been able to achieve democracy.
- We must reflect on why our democratic government overstep their bounds all the time.
- We must reflect on our dynastic parliament.
- We must reflect on the continuing erosion of our institutions.
Adnan Rasool a PHD candidate in Georgia has launched a podcast Hafte Ki seedhi Baat but more importantly is researching on constitutional issues.
We had a fascinating discussion on why it is the poor constitutional design that is leading to a poor-quality democracy. Several themes for reform were discussed.
We hope that there will be a wide-ranging discussion on these issues and a policy community on constitutional reform developed. That is the only way forward. People must push for reform by discussing such ideas and pushing for change. Don’t leave it to politicians who are benefitting from the system to change the system.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
Wednesday Feb 21, 2018
This is an important podcast for those interested in the political economy of development.
Shahid Ahmed is a Pakistani economist with long experience of the UN and international financial markets. He has written a book provocatively titled Rentier Capitalism: Disorganized development and Social Injustice in Pakistan.
We discuss his book where he examines why Pakistan developed differently from the rest of Asia. Several themes are examined and the conversation evolves very nicely to interesting themes on the political economy of Pakistan, trends in development thinking and the state of policymaking and governance. We come to interesting conclusion that might echo with some of you.
In any case there are several interesting themes for research and thought that are developed in the conversation.
Shahid also has an interesting book recommendation at the end. So please watch for it.
Stay Curious!
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here.
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects

Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
Wednesday Jan 31, 2018
As we have discussed in many episodes, Entrepreneurship and innovation is an important source of growth in an economy. Entrepreneurship was also central to the Framework of Economic Growth of the Planning Commission that was approved by the government in 2011 and 2012. Sadly, like most good policies it was neither read nor implemented. Entrepreneurship also plays a central role in my book ‘Looking Back.”
A study on entrepreneurships in Pakistan is available here.
While in previous episodes we have discussed entrepreneurship with economists and thinker who have studied the subject, in this episode, we will discuss the subject with 2 entrepreneurs who are entrepreneurs. But now they have become entrepreneurship evangelists which involves incubating entrepreneurship and creating an entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Faisal Sherjan has been a founding spirit of Geo and venture capital funds in UK and is now managing the LUMS incubator for entrepreneurship while he is also investing in a number of startups.
Kurram Zafar has set up successful startups in Silicon Valley and has been involved in many ventures in Pakistan. He set up the Plan 9 incubator and the LUMS incubator and has now developed the first venture capital fund for Pakistan.
Listen to these to entrepreneurs talk about the entrepreneurship,
- How to think like an entrepreneur;
- How you can find opportunities;
- How to do a startup;
- What and incubator is and how it can help you;
- What is an entrepreneurial ecosystem is and why it is necessary;
- What is needed in policy to support entrepreneurship.
Listen and learn and as always comment, discusses and debate.
Stay Curious!
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here.
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Friday Jan 05, 2018
Governance and Civil Service Reform (English)
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Friday Jan 05, 2018
Governance remains Pakistan’s biggest challenge as we have seen in many of our podcasts. Recent news also confirms the importance of understanding and improving our governance. I know I have often argued civil service is an important component of any governments reform that Pakistan might undertake.
Saeed Shafqat is an important thinker in the area of civil service reform and governments. He has written many important research articles on the subject has been training civil servants for many decades. He also heads FC College University Center for Public Policy and Governance.
We discuss the underpinnings of governance reform
- The need to change the culture of governance through deep seated reform of both politics and the civil service
- The need to reimagine governance and within it the kinds of supporting technical professional, administrative, judicial legal regulatory systems that are now needed
- We remain embedded in colonial systems that are too stretched to meet the needs of a much larger population, growing globalization and major technological challenges
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here.
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Saturday Dec 30, 2017
law and Justice Reform (ENGLISH)
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
Saturday Dec 30, 2017
“Institutions are important for growth and development” is now well known and accepted. There are many measures of institutional development (eg Competiveness, Governance matters, Ease of Doing business) that have been developed around the world. Most of them tell us that justice, legal frameworks and contract enforcement are important items that must work well.
There is little research is how to reform and make these systems better. Over the years a number of donors have funded fairly large projects in this regard with little success.
Osama Siddique is one young Law researcher who has done some great work to understand Pakistan’s law and justice system and has some great ideas to discuss. Sadly, Pakistan has produced too few legal scholars like Osama who have researched our law and justice system to develop concrete ideas for reform.
This is a very important podcast that scholars and thinkers must listen to and discuss and develop research on. Recent involvement of the courts in the prevailing political mess have revealed the huge weaknesses in our law and court system.
We must listen to Osama and develop much research and debate in this area and push for legal and judicial reform if Pakistan is to move forward.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here.
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Saturday Dec 02, 2017
The early years of Pakistan: Building Institutions (ENGLISH)
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Initial conditions are important in any dynamic process. 70-year-old Pakistan is still searching for political and economic stability. Yakoob Bangash raises the possibility that in order to understand the ongoing search process, we must study the early years of Pakistan’s history. The seeds of instability may have been laid there.
Yakoob Bangash is fast emerging as one of Pakistan’s leading historians. He is a Professor at Information Technology University author of a book on the ‘Accession of Princely States to Pakistan’ and a recently completed history of the Judiciary in Pakistan.
There is much to learn here of Pakistan’s search for a constitution, political and administrative system and a founding ideology. Events and ideas from this period laid the foundations of much that followed much as the theory of dynamic systems tells us.
"How can we change the process remains?" and open question for debate discussion and research. We will discuss it in many podcasts to come.

Friday Nov 03, 2017
How economic theory and thought is evolving! (ENGLISH)
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Friday Nov 03, 2017
Russ Roberts is one of the most important economic thinkers and popularizers of our time. His podcast Econtalk is the most perceptive podcast for learning economics. You will find the most in-depth discussions of many subjects there and his interviews and interview style is enviable.
While Russ has published extensively in academic journals and is a professor of economics in George Mason University, he has done a lot to present key economic ideas to a wider audience. His books, “The Choice,” “The Invisible Heart,” and ‘The Price of Everything” are written for the lay audience in fictional form to explain economic thinking and analysis. They clarify difficult economic concepts and are very provocative for generating very interesting learning discussions. They are a must for anyone interested in economics.
Russ has also made economics music videos—a series of debates in rap between Keynes and Hayek. Once again very useful for understanding economics.
Russ’s most recent book is “how Adam Smith can Change your life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness.”
We will use Russ’s vast experience in economics to discuss several key issues that are important to all who are interested in economic thought and policy.
- His reflections on a career in economics and how his thinking has changed over time.
- Key economic thinkers such as Smith, Keynes, Hayek and the Austrians.
- The nature of policy and policy thinking.
- The role of models, emergence and self-organization in understanding economics.
There is a lot in this podcast if you are interested in economics. I urge you to listen to it carefully and if you are student share it and discuss it in class.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here.
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Entrepreneurship and the Code Economy (ENGLISH)
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Thursday Oct 19, 2017
Entrepreneurship and innovation are at the core of development. When we first put these concepts in the Framework of Economic Growth (FEG) in the Planning Commission, people were surprised. Given the preoccupation with fiscal arithmetic and ‘theories of a bygone era’ most people thought economics was all about deficits, and growth was about development projects and aid.
Phil Auerswald a professor of Economics at George Mason University helped with the FEG preparing both a background paper as well as a documentary on entrepreneurship. Since then Phil has written 2 books. The first “The Coming Prosperity” is about how entrepreneurship across the globe could lead to huge gains for the global population.
His second book “The Code Economy” is a human history as seen through the lens of technology or what is at the back of all technology—recipes or code.
Here we discuss
- Phil’s involvement in Pakistan
- What entrepreneurship is? And what policies can nurture is?
- What code and technology is? What lessons for policy can we derive.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here.
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Getting India Pakistan dialog to move forward (ENGLISH)
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Saturday Oct 07, 2017
Despite much talk India Pakistan dialog does not seem to move forward. Here Saleem Ali a Pakistani professor at Delaware discusses his ideas about how the dialog can be taken forward and what role the world and friendly countries can play to facilitate it.
We also discuss the role of various factions in each country can play to achieving more regional integration.
We also discuss why domestic reform remains underweighted in the debate especially in Pakistan. The pace of domestic reform in both countries appears to be very slow with much of the colonial administration intact and local government still very weak.
This is an important subject that also needs more attention but with more innovation than in the past.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Friday Sep 22, 2017
Understanding economic history of the world (ENGLISH)
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Friday Sep 22, 2017
Hilton Root is a professor in Public Policy and Economics in George Mason University. He has published many books and is now working on using complexity to understand economic history and development.
His new book is “Global Transformations in Economic History”. In this book, he uses complexity theory to understand economic history. It sheds new light on how the west evolved technology and institutors to achieve global domination.
- Why did China which had the lead in technology all the way through the middle ages surrender this lead?
- Why was decentralized and warring Europe the cauldron of change and discovery in the 18th and 19th centuries?
- How did the notion of sovereignty and systems fo governance evolve?
All students of economics and all people interested in policy must listen to this and clean fresh perspectives on how global economic transitions happened.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Friday Sep 15, 2017
Inside Universities (ENGLISH)
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Amer Raza, now a Ph.D. candidate in University of Massachusetts, has been teaching in the University of Peshawar. We discuss the inner working of a Pakistani university from the perspective of an insider.
What emerges is a picture of teaching colleges with limited mentoring and motivating students. Sadly, students are not getting a holistic learning experience which will prepare them for a life of competition in an increasingly globalized world full of change.
It is just bad management of universities and a system created by HEC for failure while counting numbers.
Listen to this and get into some research and writing about these universities to see if we can change them into modern eco-systems of knowledge.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan. Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.