
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Another take on Civil Service Reform (ENGLISH)
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
As I keep saying in Pakistan we have worked very hard to maintain the colonial system for our brown elite that has inherited it. Not surprisingly the main beneficiaries of this colonial system are the ones mort invested in preserving it—the civil service, the judiciary and the army.
Civil Service Reform remains a big issue and we will continue to explore it with as many people as possible. I would urge all young people to think about it, research it and write about it.
Here we take up the issue with Hasaan Khawar a young Pakistani who has been a civil servant and is now a consultant and a development practitioner.
We will have 3 conversations with him to try to keep the podcast shorter.
Here is the first.

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
What is policy and how is it made? (ENGLISH)
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
People in Pakistan and many developing countries seem to think that policy is wishing. The belief is that the government has a magic wand and can make things happened. Today we talk on this subject to a professor of Public policy who has been teaching researching and writing about policy.
I asked him to tell us what policy is and how we make it. As many of you know, I write extensively about the missing policy process in Paksitan and the lack of understanding what policy is. For example see here
‘Paul Cairney is Professor of Politics and Public Policy, University of Stirling, UK (@Cairneypaul). His research interests are in comparative public policy. His research spans comparisons of policy theories (Understanding Public Policy, 2012), methods associated with key theories (Handbook of Complexity and Public Policy, 2015), international policy processes (Global Tobacco Control, 2012), and comparisons of UK and devolved policymaking.’
His website is here
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Monday Sep 10, 2018
Economics of Cheese (URDU)
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
We are told that the Economic Advisory Council of Pakistan has after much controversy and fanfare engaged in ‘out-of-the box’ thinking. We learnt that cheese was an important indicator for the eminent group.
This forced Anjum out of retirement to join me in reflecting on the importance of cheese.
We not only discussed, cheese but also BOP and even governance and healthcare, proving once again that the economy is a complex adaptive system. What emerged once again is that we must take a systemic view if we are to learn anything.

Friday Sep 07, 2018
Development Discourse in Pakistan (ENGLISH)
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Friday Sep 07, 2018
Imran Ahmed Khan is a development practitioner with considerable experience in Pakistan and in the external environment. Currently researching in the US, he has some very interesting perspectives on development.
Listen to him to understand how the development world works and what we should do to better our development discourse.

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Institutional reform: the key is civil service reform (ENGLISH)
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Umer Gilani is a young lawyer who has been involved in litigation on behalf of engineers and professionals to end discrimination against them in contesting for senior government positions.
In the current colonial system, all senior positions are reserved for the PAS/DMG, regardless of skill and training. Thus, Secretary WAPDA needs no specialized training, nor does Chairman FBR or any other leading positions. All are reserved for PAS/DMG.
In fact professionals including doctors have a short career horizon in government. They enter in grade 17 and mostly retire in grade 20.
Is this our government model for the challenges of 21stcentury?
We discuss issues of civil service reform with Umer Gilani.
Listen to this very informative podcast.

Monday Aug 27, 2018
A New City Index. (URDU)
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Zia Banday has developed a new city index with Prime institute. Zia is a multifaceted individual—a former naval officer, ex investment banker, an entrepreneur, and now a city innovator.
Listen to how he came to value cities, what he thinks cites should be like and what his city index is.
Cities are the most important resource a country has. They are the one resource that we neglect, and our bureaucrats use as their personal property and refuse to let develop. We will return again and again to understanding the complexity of cities.
I urge you all to take up the issue of urban reform and make our cities for the people and not the elite and bureaucrats.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. (ENGLISH)
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Wednesday Aug 22, 2018
Technology, Innovation and entrepreneurship is what economic development is all about. Yet even the best of Pakistani economists doesn’t understand this phenomenon. Instead they remain caught in the 60s preaching exports, valued added and industrial policy. They are stuck in a planning approach to thinking economics.
We talk here to Yusuf Husain the CEO of Ignite.pk as well as an entrepreneur about technology startups and the role of the innovative Ignite.
This is a fascinating and broad discussion on several important concepts, the history of technology and startups.
It is a must for anyone interested in development and humanity.
Listen, reflect and listen again.

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
HC and higher education--a professor's viewpoint! (ENGLISH)
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Everyone agrees education is the most important need for development and growth. We continue to argue education expenditures and for the government to do more for education.
HEC policy has set up 200 universities in Pakistan and research has picked up. Unfortunately, the lack of quality education and research continues to be a serious concern .
Muhammad Hamid Zaman a professor at Boston and Harvard has thought a lot about this subject and continues to write about it.
He has good advice, born out of his years as professor in prestigious universities, for HEC reform in Pakistan.
Listen to him. Learn and debate higher education in Pakistan.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
NCGR and Governing the Ungovernable (ENGLISH)
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Dr. Ishrat Husain is a leading economist, who has played many important roles both in policy and academia.
Today we discuss a subject on which he has been very passionate—civil service reform. He led the National Commission on Government Reform in Musharraf’s time and has recently written a book called “Governing the Ungovernable”.
He has important ideas on institutions, governance and civil service reform. In the coming days the new government might even use his ideas to implement their much-awaited reform.
There a number of research and writing themes that emerge in this podcast. So please listen and further the debate.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Gwadar--Where is it going? (Urdu)
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Gwadar has been a chimera for Pakistan for long. For 15 years it has been hyped up. A port was built. A city was laid out. Highways built. The promise of a deep-water port which will be gate for central Asia through Pakistan. The debate has been long and costly. Returns still awaited.
Now with CPEC Gwadar is again being held up as important for Pakistan’s future.
We will talk to Naveed Iftikhar on his research into Gwadar to discuss
- What was the promise of Gwadar?
- Why has it not taken off?
- What were the mistakes?
- What is the promise?
- How can it be made to work?
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Our Democratic Mess (URDU)
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
In collaboration with "Hafte Ki Seedhi Baat," "Soch Bichar" addresses the constitutional issue again today.
Elections are upon us, just 3 days away.
It is time to reflect again on
- Why we are not been able to achieve democracy?
- Why our democratic government overstep their bounds all the time?
- Why we have dynastic parliament?
- Why our democrats erode our institutions?
Adnan Rasool a PHD candidate in Georgia has launched a podcast “Hafte Ki seedhi Baat” but more importantly is researching on constitutional issues.
We had a fascinating discussion on why it is the poor constitutional design that is leading to a poor-quality democracy. Several themes for reform were discussed.
We hope that there will be a wide-ranging discussion on these issues and a policy community on constitutional reform developed. That is the only way forward. People must push for reform by discussing such ideas and pushing for change. Don’t leave it to politicians who are benefitting from the system to change the system.

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Why is urban design in Pakistan so bad? (ENGLISH)
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Those of you have listened to Soch Bichar or followed my work will know that a good analysis of Pakistan’s economy (and indeed of development) will put urban development at the center of inclusive growth for welfare improvement as well as balanced development. This is why we return t0 this subject very often to see how many different perspectives we can get.
Today Sarah Nadeem Ahmed a young urbanlogist who has worked with the urban unit as well as international organizations joins us to talk of how poor urban design of our cities is impacting on life, productivity and happiness.
This is an extremely important subject that we have not started to research or debate. I hope many of you will be inspired to talk about how urbanization and urban design impacts us all.

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Is Education a Panacea? (ENGLISH)
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Nadia Navawalla who has joined us om earlier episodes has been talking thinking research for the last few years. We discuss here what education means and should we think of education as a panacea.
There seems far too much agreement among the donor consultant community that education which never is properly defined is a panacea. It will solve all problems. Do you agree. Listen to this episode and make up your mind.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Friday Jun 15, 2018
Higher Education and Development. (ENGLISH)
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Friday Jun 15, 2018
Ehasan Masood is a science writer, journalist and broadcaster. He has been the editor of Research Professional News (including Research Fortnight) and has been teaching international science policy at Imperial College London.
He is the author of many books https://www.amazon.com/Ehsan-Masood/e/B0034NTAGU/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1528550817&sr=8-1
In this episode, we discuss the issue of higher education and development. In the modern world where technology is evolving and changing, how should we think of higher education and its role in development policy.

Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Water is in the news. Suddenly Pakistan has started taking water seriously. Perhaps the CJP triggered it.
It is great that we are taking the issue seriously. Water is indeed a lifeline issue and should be taken seriously. All experts have been agreed for a while that we are headed towards a water crisis. Yet the government and civil society has mostly been in oblivion till the CJP spoke.
Here we speak to Rafay Alam, an environmental lawyer who has been researching water for the last few years. He has talked to us on urban issues before.
This episode offers a wealth of information on water. If you really want a quick update and deep education on water issues in Pakistan, listen to this.
Rafay also gives us a reading list on the subject.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Research and Education Entreprenuership (URDU)
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Waqar Mahmood is an educational/research entrepreneur. “He has successfully started a Al-Khwarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS)”
Their website says “It was envisioned as an institute for advanced and high quality applied research working in collaboration with industries and other academic institutions on national and international levels to bring about the IT revolution in Pakistan and help build a knowledge driven economy. We strive to gather capable and competent researchers at one platform and provide them with favorable and motivational environment for creating innovative technologies and products.”
It is very successful in every way because
- It has visionary leadership
- It is autonomous
- It has modern HR and management
You must listen to this visionary leader about what he has achieved and about what he says should be done to achieve the potential of universities.
Hope HEC listens.

Monday May 28, 2018
Urban Planning from a Planner's Viewpoint (URDU)
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
Nadeem Khurshid and Mohamed Shoaib are 2 town planners actively involved in town planning. Their perspective is very important to get.
The community of town planners is totally excluded from city management and has no career in our cities. Is that good or bad. Learn more by listening to this episode.
Listen to this and let us reinvigorate research and debate into change.
Listen to this fascinating discussion. There is much to learn and research here.
You can also look at my book “Looking Back: How Pakistan Became an Asian Tiger in 2050” now available in hard copy in Pakistan here http://www.libertybooks.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=Nadeem%20ul%20haque&category_id=0Soft copy here. https://www.amazon.com/Looking-Back-Pakistan-Became-Asian-ebook/dp/B06X94135J/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488133596&sr=1-1&keywords=nadeem+haque
Listen and learn and write some papers on this subject. Don’t forget to cite Soch Bichar
Please subscribe to Soch Bichar if you like it. Tell you friends about it. That is the only way to grow a public discussion. And we need a wider conversation on these important subjects.

Saturday May 26, 2018
law and Justice Reform Again (ENGLISH)
Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
Today my guest is Irfan Qadir, who was the Attorney General of Pakistan till 2013. An accomplished and well-known lawyer, who has been a leading proponent of judicial restraint and reform.
We have been running with the colonial system for 70 years and it is overstretched and at the limits of its capacity. Irfan tells us of the many inconsistencies in our judiciary that seems to be concerned more with its own pomp and glory and less with justice and learning.
The outmoded legal and judicial system may be one of the most important reasons why we are low on the Ease of Doing Business and Competitiveness Indices. We must debate and discuss this issue far more than we do.
If any of you have thoughts on legal and judicial reform please come to Soch Bichar where all thinking people meet.

Monday May 21, 2018
Configuring the Energy system (ENGLISH)
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
Energy system is plagued with leakages while the government continues to build more and bigger power plants. Even though the price of oil has gone down by about $100 from its peak in 2007-8, the circular debt continues to plague us while load-shedding remains intact.
Last episode I talked about how the power system needs to be reconfigured.
Here I go into detail because I thought some things need explaining.
We have a haemorrhaging patient and we are relying on more and more blood transfusions and not fixing the haemorrhage.
My contention here is we need to operate on the system and fix.
Listen to it and see if you agree. And remember without discussion ideas die.

Friday May 18, 2018
Another take on Civil Service Reform 2 (ENGLISH)
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
As I keep saying in Pakistan we have worked very hard to maintain the colonial system for our brown elite that has inherited it. Not surprisingly the main beneficiaries of this colonial system are the ones mort invested in preserving it—the civil service, the judiciary and the army.
Civil Service Reform remains a big issue and we will continue to explore it with as many people as possible. I would urge all young people to think about it, research it and write about it.
Here we take up the issue with Hasaan Khawar a young Pakistani who has been a civil servant and is now a consultant and a development practitioner.
We will have 3 conversations with him to try to keep the podcast shorter.
Here is the second.